Lbl 1 ClrText " " Locate 1,1,"NRb 1" ?->A " " Locate 1,4,"NRb 2" ?->B A->V:B->W 1->Z File5 {0->List 1 Do If Z>Dim List 1 Or Z=1 Then Z<>1=>List->Mat(List 1,List 2,List 3,List 4,List 5,List 6) Seq(0,I,0,Z-1,1->List 1 List 1->List 2 List 1->List 3 List 1->List 4 List 1->List 5 List 1->List 6 If Z<>1 Then For 1->I To Z-1 Mat Ans[I,1->List 1[I Mat Ans[I,2->List 2[I Mat Ans[I,3->List 3[I Mat Ans[I,4->List 4[I Mat Ans[I,5->List 5[I Mat Ans[I,6->List 6[I Next IfEnd IfEnd 'DIV~' Int (A/B->Q A-BQ->R If A<0 And B<0 And R<>0 Then R-B->R Isz Q IfEnd If A<0 And B>0 And R<>0 Then R+B->R Dsz Q IfEnd A->List 1[Z B->List 2[Z Q->List 3[Z R->List 4[Z If R<>0 Then If Z=1 Then 1->List 5[Z (-)Q->List 6[Z IfEnd If Z=2 Then (-)Q->List 5[Z 1-QList 6[1->List 6[Z IfEnd If Z>2 Then List 5[Z-2]-QList 5[Z-1->List 5[Z List 6[Z-2]-QList 6[Z-1->List 6[Z IfEnd Isz Z B->A:R->B IfEnd LpWhile R<>0 {0 ClrText Locate 2,1,"NRb1 :" Locate 7,1,V Locate 2,2,"NRb2 :" Locate 7,2,W Locate 1,4,"PGCD:" Locate 7,4,B Locate 1,5,"PPCM:" Locate 7,5,VW/B Locate 16,7,"EXE->OK" Do Getkey LpWhile Ans<>31 List->Mat(List 1,List 2,List 3,List 4,List 5,List 6) ClrListDispFile1 [[0 ClrText