Graph85/fx-9860 Hardware Wiki
Posté le 02/06/2007 05:54
I have started a new hardware wiki for the fx-9860. Check it out:
See here
CASIO fx-9860 Hardware is a wiki dedicated to sharing programming knowledge and hardware data for the CASIO fx-9860 graphing calculator. Please help us to build this resource by submitting your code, snippets, documentation, etc.
This is where the revolution is going to start.

Hopefully, this wiki will get more people interested in programming the fx-9860. I already started putting what I know into the wiki, like the LCD driver notes (with the contrast and Bdisp_PutDisp_DD equivalents) and the assembly tutorial. I'll put more and more each day (It's hard for me to type really fast, I only have one hand available, so please be patient).
So, what do you think about the wiki? Does it look nice? I'll try getting a new domain if I can. The wiki is free and open to everyone. Use it! Add more stuff! Have fun! Tell your friends about it. Put a link back to the wiki. Spread the word! The only way we can increase this resource is if more people get involved, so tell everyone you know about the wiki.
Hopefully, some nasty stuff doesn't get through into the wiki. I've installed some security plugins.
Note, that the wiki is protected by the
Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Basically you can do whatever you want with the stuff that we posted on the wiki. But, you can't sell and you must
cite the wiki as a source of where you got your information. Also, if you decide to use the code and your calculator explodes and burns down your home, that authors are not responsible!
If I can figure out how to add more SysOps, I'll ask for volunteers who would like to run and maintain the wiki.
If you want something added to the
What's Here section on the Main Page, you can request it here.