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Graph 35 à 100
Graph 25+Pro/25+E/25+E II
Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD
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fx-CG 10/20 (Prizm)
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Utilitaires >> Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD >> Add-ins >> Ftune3
Version : 2.40 Taille : 57676 octets Ajouté le : 2019-07-07 09:07 Modifié le : 2020-02-21 12:16
Auteur et posteur :
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Planète Casio - Add-in Casio - Ftune3 - sentaro21 - Calculatrices
Nombre de visites sur cette page : 3848
Score au progrank : 49
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1091 téléchargements | Soumettre un test

A cause du changement de processeur des nouvelles Graph 35+ USB, 75 et 95 SD, de nombreux addins sont incompatibles avec ces calculatrices.
Rendre un addin compatible - Plus d'informations sur ce problème - Liste des addins compatibles

Description :

Ftune3 pour Graph 35+E II
(Similaire à Ftune2)

Fichier 1 : Ftune3 pour Graph 35+E II
Fichier 2 : Sources

liens apparentés
Ftune3, overclocking Graph 35+E II sur mesures ! (par critor@TI-Planet)

Note sur 10 Commentaire Date de notation
10Un essentiel qu'on ne regrette jamais d'avoir sous la main.Le 28.04.2021 à 10:29

Commentaires :

CritorHors ligneAdministrateurPoints: 2728 Défis: 18 Message
Posté le 10-07-2019 à 09:18 | #
Thanks for this Graph 35+E II tailored version.
The memory test now works.

Note [F4] and [F5] default setups are having issues with ScreenReceiver.
Fixed if I lower the BFC to 29.49 MHz (34.36 MHz still seems to be ok).
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 12-07-2019 à 11:42 | #
Thanks very much for testing.

I'm sorry, [F4] [F5] had a problem as it was the same as before.
So it was fixed.

The problem with Screen Receiver seems to be insufficient wait around the LCD.
Specifically, increase CS5AWCR: SW.
However, even if it is increased to 3.5 at max, the bus clock can not be raised above 80 MHz.
This may be a new hard problem of 35+E II.
Or maybe it was deliberately restricted.

updated Ftune3 ver 2.01
-In the case of Graph 35+E II, if the bus clock exceeds about 80 MHz, the LCD transfer will fail, so the default settings for [F4] and [F5] have been optimized.
And, the setting of CS5AWCR:SW is automatically changed by the rise of the bus clock.
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 13-07-2019 à 07:41 | #
updated Ftune3 ver 2.02
-In the case of Graph 35+E II, fixed a bug that causes the Screen Receiver transfer error if the bus clock exceeds about 58 MHz.
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 11-02-2020 à 09:02 | #
Newly updated Ftune3 ver 2.30
The fx-9860GIII/fx-9750GIII is now supported.
However, it only changes the display.(35E2 or GIII)
No operational changes.
LephenixnoirEn ligneAdministrateurPoints: 24855 Défis: 174 Message
Posté le 11-02-2020 à 09:27 | #
That has to be the most satisfying port possible.
RedcmdHors ligneMembrePoints: 389 Défis: 34 Message
Posté le 13-02-2020 à 21:16 | #
What is this sercet FLL:X900 * 14.75MHz setting?
Found it via [SHIFT] + [Up]
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 14-02-2020 à 00:35 | #
The FLL circuit Generates the clock that is the basis for the PLL.
It allows for fine frequency settings.

See section 17 page 535 in the SH7724 manual.

Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 20-02-2020 à 07:05 | #
Now updated v2.40
-Fixed the bug that the battery voltage display occured system error in the emulator.
-Changed "X" display to multiplication symbol.

This is compatible with the 35+EII emulator.

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