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Profil de Piu58

Piu58Hors ligneMembrePoints: 111 Défis: 0 Message

Date d'inscription : 11 novembre 2019
Date de derniere connexion : 9 avril 2021 21:46
Site Perso : -

Moyenne générale : /10 avec 0 note(s)
Nombre de programmes : 5
Total de téléchargements : 1 532

Nombre de labels de qualité : 0
Nombre de participations aux concours : 0
Nombre de tests publiés : 0

Groupes :

Cet utilisateur n'appartient à aucun groupe.

Présentation :

I started working with programmable pocket computers in 1981. We used Russian B3-21 and B3-34 calculators at that time. After I got my first computer (a ZX81) I did not use my PPC anymore.
Soem years ago I bought a programmable pocket computer again. I started with a Casio fx-4500PA first, because it is close to a normal pocket calculator. Keys are so lá lá, the display is fuzzy and programming is clumsy.
I switched to tp fx-9860G then which I find very comfortable when used as a pocket calculator. I programmed less with it.

I am sorry that my French is very rusty and I have to write in English.

Things changed wit C.Basic form Sentaro21. This changes a PPC to some kind of real computer. I love that program and write programs regularly. Most of them deal with physics and astrophysics – I am hobby astronomer.

Now I switched to the CG20. Programming comfort is much higher, especially with C.Basic.

Signature :

CG20, fx-9860G

Programmes de Piu58 :
Nom Catégorie Compatibilité Date
Gamma function Cours Casio de maths Graph 90+E 2019-11-12 14:32
DIFFSLIT Cours Casio de physique Graph 90+E 2019-11-12 14:48
Moonhoax Cours Casio de maths Graph 90+E 2019-11-12 15:02
KARTPRJ Cours Casio de physique Graph 90+E 2019-11-12 15:06
DIFFPARB Cours Casio de physique Graph 90+E 2019-11-15 11:48

Sujets de Piu58 :
Sujet Messages Mis à jour
last unread message32019-11-27 12:26
Programs for physical phenomena52019-11-15 20:06

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