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Impossible output challenge
Difficulté : Difficile
Défi ajouté par : Calcloverhk le 11-02-2020 19:07
CalcloverhkHors ligneMembrePoints: 347 Défis: 10 Message
Question ou texte du défi :
Display "Hello World" using two-line command.
You must use Locate command to display "World" in the first command line and use " " command to display "Hello" in the second command line.

Your answer:
[ ] //use Locate
[ ] //use " "

Commentaires :

LephenixnoirHors ligneAdministrateurPoints: 24348 Défis: 170 Message
Posté le 11-02-2020 à 19:12 | #
You may have posted in the wrong category, this one is for more complex challenges that cannot be solved automatically.
CalcloverhkHors ligneMembrePoints: 347 Défis: 10 Message
Posté le 11-02-2020 à 19:18 | #
So is there any solution for this challenge?
LephenixnoirHors ligneAdministrateurPoints: 24348 Défis: 170 Message
Posté le 11-02-2020 à 19:26 | #
I suppose you did not intend any, but the sound of "no solution" always rings the bell of "it's hard to prove the absence of solutions" in my theorist mind. So here's a "solution".

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Locate 7,1,"World" // displays World, as needed
"Hello World" // displays Hello, as needed

Of course this is cheating, although you need to be very precise if you want to prove there is no solution.
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 878 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 13-02-2020 à 12:08 | #
This is normally possible in Basic Casio of the fx-5800P .
The "" command of the fx-5800P does not erase the right side.

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