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Output challenge 2
Difficulté : Moyen
Défi ajouté par : Calcloverhk le 12-02-2024 18:43
CalcloverhkHors ligneMembrePoints: 347 Défis: 10 Message
Question ou texte du défi :
This question is similar to the original challenge. If you get the correct answer from that challenge, this one should be easier for you.

Here is a sample program:
For 1→A To 7
Locate A+1,A,A

This should generate output like below:

Now, append 4 lines of simplest code so that the final display becomes:

Note that you can only use Locate once. ":", "⇒", "◢" and all clear commands are prohibited

Votre réponse au défi :

Þ ã Ý à á â

Commentaires :
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LephenixnoirHors ligneAdministrateurPoints: 24348 Défis: 170 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:22 | #
I'm wondering if the solution is really unique with these constraints... I can already see a trivial solution with another loop where two lines are interchangeable, and neither order is the correct answer, though they both work on-calc.
Tuper4Hors ligneMembrePoints: 850 Défis: 19 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:23 | #
I sent him a PM with a response that should work, I am waiting his response
CalcloverhkHors ligneMembrePoints: 347 Défis: 10 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:27 | #
@Lephenixnoir @Tuper4
Edited the constraints. Now I think it should only have 1 possible solution
Tuper4Hors ligneMembrePoints: 850 Défis: 19 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:30 | #
Ok, now it's better,
Tuper4Hors ligneMembrePoints: 850 Défis: 19 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:35 | #
There's still another solution :/
Click to see
I will delete it
For 1→A To 7
Locate A+1,A,A
For 1→A To 7
Locate 1,A,A
CalcloverhkHors ligneMembrePoints: 347 Défis: 10 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:36 | #
You cannot use ClrText as said in the description
Tuper4Hors ligneMembrePoints: 850 Défis: 19 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:36 | #
Oops... Sorry
LephenixnoirHors ligneAdministrateurPoints: 24348 Défis: 170 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:42 | #
Found it. Sweet!
Tuper4Hors ligneMembrePoints: 850 Défis: 19 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:50 | #
For 1→A To 7
Locate 1,A,A
For 1→A To 7
Locate A+1,A,A
This one works with me I appended the 4 lines in the begening of the code
CalcloverhkHors ligneMembrePoints: 347 Défis: 10 Message
Posté le 12-02-2024 à 19:53 | #
The part you need to answer is in the end of the sample program

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