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Graph 35 à 100
Graph 25+Pro/25+E/25+E II
Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD
Graph 100(+)
Classpad 300/330(+)
fx-CG 10/20 (Prizm)
Classpad 400(+E)
Graph 90+E
fx-92+ SC
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sa calculatrice

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Jeux >> Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD >> Action/Sport >> Fx4K
Version : 0.3.0 Taille : 38000 octets Ajouté le : 2021-11-06 07:27 Modifié le : 2021-11-23 10:20
Auteur : C. Zhanming
Posté par :
ChenzhanmingHors ligneMembrePoints: 20 Défis: 0 Message
Planète Casio - Jeu Casio action ou sport - Fx4K - C. Zhanming - Calculatrices
Nombre de visites sur cette page : 1121
Score au progrank : 27
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329 téléchargements | Soumettre un test

Ce programme est sous licence GPL 3.0.

Description :

Je ne parles pas français : (


This is a 4 keys rhythm game that runs on a calculator!
Convert your Malody chart to fx4K chart with converter.py Python script, and have fun!
Press [7], [8], [DEL] and [AC/ON] keys to play.
Remember to select the speed of chart before you play.

SH4 Game
SH3 Game

Dream (Malody theme) - iowo
Sterelogue - VeetaCrush
Vividly Impromptu - BlackY
God Knows... - 平野绫

Converter Python script
Repository on Github

Commentaires :

LephenixnoirHors ligneAdministrateurPoints: 24847 Défis: 174 Message
Posté le 11-11-2021 à 19:10 | # | Fichier joint
Welcome on Planète Casio! English is fine, thanks for your concern. We have very few members from the Chinese community, and we're happy to see your creations.

I like FX4K a lot! I play the piano so I caught on fairly quickly, and I really feel like I'm playing.

I didn't know about Malody actually, and I like the idea of porting existing software to the calculator!

I noticed the game doesn't run on the G-III series because of MonochromeLib, so I've patched it; the G-III version is attached.

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