Posté le 30/04/2017 11:08
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Citer : Posté le 09/03/2024 11:29 | #
I'm from China, thank you, I need to buy a CG50 to test it, thank you very much
Citer : Posté le 09/03/2024 11:32 | #
Actually there is a cnCalc thread for C.Basic support which is managed by me
Citer : Posté le 10/03/2024 03:18 | # |
Fichier joint
Thank you. I have basically browsed your messages. In that forum, I still have a question. Is there any command that can display the output of this kind of handwritten calculation formula? I want to use it to calculate certain formulas and display them naturally on the screen. , like a handwriting tablet, like the file picture I uploaded.
Citer : Posté le 10/03/2024 05:52 | #
Sorry, but natural display is not supported in C.Basic because this would probably require an entire rework of the current display logic. You also have to implement different size of it for each font size supported in C.Basic which is not really worth it, after all C.Basic is meant for programming just like Casio BASIC.
Citer : Posté le 10/04/2024 12:01 | #
Hi Sentaro21!
This is exciting news for Casio calculator enthusiasts! Developing a high-speed Basic interpreter compatible with genuine Casio Basic sounds like a very interesting project.
Clear Introduction: Your intro effectively introduces yourself, the C.Basic project, and its goals.
Informative Links: The links to the English reference site, example programs, and C.Basic manuals are helpful resources for anyone interested in learning more.
Transparency about Development Stage: Mentioning C.Basic is still under development is a good way to manage expectations and welcome feedback.
Call to Action: Providing the latest beta versions for download with clear compatibility information makes it easy for people to try C.Basic.
Overall, this is a well-written post that effectively introduces C.Basic to the community. Here are some additional thoughts:
Highlight Compatibility Level: You might consider mentioning the current compatibility level of C.Basic with Casio Basic.
Performance Benchmarks: If you have any benchmarks comparing C.Basic's speed to genuine Casio Basic, it could be a compelling selling point.
Community Engagement: Consider asking specific questions to encourage feedback on the beta versions.
I hope this feedback is helpful! Keep up the great work on C.Basic!
Citer : Posté le 10/04/2024 12:35 | #
... is that an AI-generated summary?
Citer : Posté le 04/06/2024 21:51 | #
Hi all, as suggested by Lephe, I will post progress updates here for future references
During these months, I have been reviewing some bug reports in Git and experimenting with numerous error message (dev/errmsg branch) and external font display routine (dev/font) changes in C.Basic.
The progress so far is fine, but I encountered a rare crash while opening a non-empty text file in fx-9860G SDK, where instead of displaying System/TLB error, the SDK software will hang indefinitely and closes itself. The crash appears during the text conversion and can happen even with tiny changes. After some conversations with Lephe and Sentaro21, it seems to us that the add-in size is the crux as the SDK starter's guide states that the maxmium size should be 500 KB (512,000 bytes), while the size of current C.Basic version is well over 516,000 bytes.
Besides that, we shared some thoughts on the transition to gint for developing C.Basic. Sentaro21 mentioned he wanted to know how well GCC's FPU emulation library can perform when compared to Renesas' one. As such, a benchmark with libprof is proposed to compare the performance of integer and floating-point arithmetic between both compilers.
Citer : Posté le 04/08/2024 11:58 | #
Hi all
The new update for FX Edition (v2.50 build 1) has been published. Click the link below to check the full changelogs and download the latest version. If you find any bugs, please report here or in the Git bug tracker
Citer : Posté le 19/08/2024 05:36 | #
Actually there is a cnCalc thread for C.Basic support which is managed by me
Hello, can I add your contact information? I want to ask some questions
Citer : Posté le 19/08/2024 05:49 | #
Actually there is a cnCalc thread for C.Basic support which is managed by me
Hello, can I add your contact information? I want to ask some questions
Can I solve equations with unknown variables in Cbasic? What command should I use?
Citer : Posté le 31/08/2024 16:18 | #
Hi all
A new bugfix update for FX Edition (v2.50 build 2) has been published. Click the link below to check the full changelogs and download the latest version.
The GCC port for CG Edition is still underway. Although we have managed to compile the build, it has several critical ABI issues and crash points. Please wait until we are able to fix most of them for now.
Thanks for your patience.
Citer : Posté le 31/08/2024 16:23 | #
Hello, can I add your contact information? I want to ask some questions
Just ask me here, or join the cnCalc QQ group (101431493) and tag me. I normally don't accept friend request in QQ though.
Can I solve equations with unknown variables in Cbasic? What command should I use?
Nope, C.Basic does not support solving unknown variables at the moment.
Citer : Posté le 20/10/2024 07:14 | #
Hi all
Build 3 for FX Edition 2.50 has been published. This version mainly contains refactoring changes that bring down the add-in size
A floating-point performance regression has been discovered in the previous version. Please install the patched version below.
Citer : Posté le 06/01/2025 10:34 | #
Parsing order of Sum vs multiplication of Lists is incorrect
Sum List1List2
answer should be 11
but C.Basic gives 9
surrounding with brackets fixes it
also notice that C.Basic displayed the List after running the program instead of the number
Citer : Posté le 06/01/2025 10:39 | #
Binary "and" (not to be confused with the logical " And ")
is displayed with spaces around it " and "
normal Basic does not display binary "and" with spaces around it
Citer : Posté le 06/01/2025 10:43 | #
Graphical Text command has its colours inverted
text is white on black
when it should be black on white
this was not an issue with the old C.Basic
Citer : Posté le 07/01/2025 19:18 | #
Hello ! J'ai un problème avec la commande Save. Quand je Save une matrice dans un fichier .bin, il ne s'affiche pas correctement dans l'explorateur. Au lieu d'avoir un fichier "SAVE.bin", j'ai quelque chose comme "------------------". C'est normal ?
Citer : Posté le 10/01/2025 18:22 | #
Hello, I think I found a bug. I encoutered it during the development of my game in C.Basic. As Lephe' advised me, I tried to reproduce the bug with the smallest program possible. And after 3 hours of debugging I managed to wrote a program of 3 line which create the system error every time.
Create a bmp file that can be displayed using C.Basic. For example I have an A.bmp file.
Then create a program (I called it BUG)
Prog "BUG"
This program raises a System Error in my Casio.
From what I've tested, it happens at the 20th call to the program. In my more complex real program where the bug happen, it only requires 10 loops. Maybe the number of BmpLoad can have an impact on that ?
Citer : Posté le 10/01/2025 18:59 | #
Wow, quelle minimisation o_o Je m'attendais pas à ce que tu arrives à quelque chose de si propre. Bravo !
Citer : Posté le 10/01/2025 19:05 | #
Moi non plus
Quand j'ai débuggué pour trouver la ligne qui causait l crash, j'ai vu tout ce qu'il y avait dans le fichier, je me suis dit que jamais je n'arriverais au 10 lignes que tu m'avais recommandées. Mais finalement, c'était un peu plus simple que prévu. Merci pour ton aide
Citer : Posté le 17/01/2025 22:31 | #
bonjour, est ce que qqn sait ou trouver un tuto complet de cbasic svp