Posté le 10/09/2020 09:25
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Citer : Posté le 02/12/2020 13:26 | #
Ah... Sinon, je n'arrive pas à régler le problème avec fruit ninja. Quelqu'un de plus avancé que moi pourrait voir ce qu'il ne va pas ?
Citer : Posté le 02/12/2020 13:32 | #
Est-ce que tu as un autre calculatrice pour vérifier d'abord que si tu compiles le programme original sans modifier MonochromeLib ça marche toujours ?
Citer : Posté le 02/12/2020 13:36 | #
Malheureusement, non
Citer : Posté le 02/12/2020 14:09 | #
Et avec un émulateur ?
Citer : Posté le 15/03/2021 11:19 | # |
Fichier joint
This version of Gravity Duck should be compatible with the GraphE35+II calculator.
File: GravdG35.g1a
Ajouté le 28/08/2021 à 04:20 :
I guess what we could do to automate it
is to look for the all the specfic instructions and check if they are all within a small area
So look for e-07, eX00, e-04, 6-X3 (or e-00) and e-c0
and check if they are all within a group of distance, lets say 10 instructions or so
same for the rest of the DD functions
Oh... but I just had a look at Wolfenst again
and it loads the constant 0xC0 with mov.w
Citer : Posté le 28/08/2021 09:27 | #
Oh... but I just had a look at Wolfenst again
and it loads the constant 0xC0 with mov.w
Yeah this would be quite difficult. To be honest, I would have liked to do it with a disassembler. I have one which can disassemble, resolve constant values like mov.w, and can suppot some abstract interpretation. Programming the detection of the sequence would be much easier I believe, since I could look for the DD register address, than match the constants we know with registers, and then replace. But of course it's more work and the disassembler would need a bit of refinement, so I suppose a heuristic in the meantime would not be bad.
Citer : Posté le 28/08/2021 09:59 | #
moi j'arrive a trouver la séquence, mais les emplacements des instructions ne sont pas stable alors j'ai trouvé une solution,
je cherche toutes les instructions a changer (qui sont listé) et je regarde si il y a au moins 1 fois l'instruction dans le fichier
et ensuite j'édite tout les instructions qui sont proche entre-eux (a 2-5 lignes près)
ce sera assé flexible entre les compilateurs, j'ai testé un jeu sdk c et c++
Citer : Posté le 28/08/2021 10:04 | #
Il y a quand même un petit risque que tu remplaces du code à un endroit où ce n'était pas du MonochromeLib. Peut-être que tu peux chercher toutes les occurrences de la séquence et mettre un gros warning s'il y en a plusieurs ?
Au fait plus encore qu'une instruction tu peux chercher les constantes 0xb4000000 et 0xb4010000, ça devrait aider.
Citer : Posté le 28/08/2021 10:14 | #
oh en effet, je pourrais checker si la constante est a une vingtaine d’octets de la séquence
Citer : Posté le 28/08/2021 10:15 | #
Il faut qu'elle soit alignée sur une adresse multiple de 4 aussi, sinon c'est un faux positif.
timothy529 Invité
Citer : Posté le 14/10/2021 18:18 | #
Sorry for the English, I am new here. Any help converting the Matris .g1a to work with the new display drivers? I'm still very new to developing for these calculators.
Citer : Posté le 14/10/2021 19:17 | #
Yeah, sure! We can help. Doing it yourself would require quite a bit of experience anyway. Could you please just link to the add-in? I don't seem to see what Matris.g1a is.
timothy529 Invité
Citer : Posté le 14/10/2021 19:37 | #
Sorry, I should have sent a link in the first post.
Matris is a tetris recreation by Casimo. He included all the source code and the compiled .g1a, so I'm sure it should be possible, again I am just unfamiliar here.
Citer : Posté le 14/10/2021 21:39 | #
a ce que je vois le jeu utilise du code de monochromelib modifié avec un système de sprite, je pense que il faudra modifier le code manuellement avec un éditeur hexadécimal, mon utilitaire peut rien faire la.
Timothy529 Invité
Citer : Posté le 14/10/2021 21:55 | #
I do not have any previous experience with changing hex values manually. I was hoping when I saw in the comments that he used Monochromelib, that it would be as simple as swapping it out for the updated version, but I guess that was a long shot. Any suggestions on where I could get some instruction on using a hex editor to manually adjust it?
Citer : Posté le 14/10/2021 22:24 | # |
Fichier joint
a ce que je vois le jeu utilise du code de monochromelib modifié avec un système de sprite, je pense que il faudra modifier le code manuellement avec un éditeur hexadécimal, mon utilitaire peut rien faire la.
Le problème pour ton outil c'est pas que le code est modifié. La fonction de MonochromeLib est copiée à l'identique. Mais je vois le code et l'ordre des instructions et l'allocation de registres sont différents. Ta recherche est trop limitée, donc elle ne trouve pas le code. Enfin bon j'avais déjà évoqué ces limites.
I do not have any previous experience with changing hex values manually. I was hoping when I saw in the comments that he used Monochromelib, that it would be as simple as swapping it out for the updated version, but I guess that was a long shot. Any suggestions on where I could get some instruction on using a hex editor to manually adjust it?
It'd be somewhat long to explain. If you really want to know the details I (or someone else) will be happy to explain, but for today I've simply made the changes. See the attached file MATRISE2.g1a.
Edit: I forgot to mention that while building from source is absolutely possible, this old program uses a correspondingly old SDK and doesn't give all the files, so it'd take some 15-20 minutes to set up (+ either wine or a virtual machine for me). So editing the binary was easier. But you're technically correct, because the sources are provided there is always this fairly easy solution.
Please note that there is still one issue. The add-in has an integrated gray engine which is run on SetTimer() and syncs catastrophically bad with the Graph 35+E II display settings, so the shapes of tetris pieces are not gray at all and flicker a little bit. Other than that is should be fine
Timothy529 Invité
Citer : Posté le 14/10/2021 22:34 | #
I see, thank you. Lack of offical or extensive documentation seems to be a common problem for the community from what I've seen. When I was learning the CasioBasic language to make programs in BIDE, it was a lot of trouble shooting and browsing topics. Not very much clear documentation on this stuff. If you all weren't kind enough to take the time to explain it in these posts I likely would've given up learning this stuff. Thank you for the edited file. I will test it when I get home from work. (I have my fx-9750giii with me, but no USB cable.)
Timothy529 Invité
Citer : Posté le 15/10/2021 02:52 | #
After a little playing around with it. It works great! Thank you for the quick help Lephenixnoir. I didn't want to just ask for someone to fix it for me, but I am definitely grateful. When I got this fx-9750 giii, I had no idea how much time and research I would end up putting into it, and that it would lead me here. I will make a post on to hopefully help others out who are looking for answers. Thanks again, cheers!
Timothy529 Invité
Citer : Posté le 15/10/2021 03:11 | #
Citer : Posté le 15/10/2021 06:45 | #
Excellent! Happy we could help. Feel free to dive into it more if you want to port more add-ins, or just enjoy your fx-9750G III. Thanks for the reddit post too, much appreciated
Citer : Posté le 04/01/2022 14:58 | #
Je ne sais pas si c'est important de le stipuler ici, mais les quelques add-ins que j'ai testé fonctionnent apparemment sans soucis :
Je vais continuer à tester quelques utilitaires ajd, je mettrai à jour ici