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Profil de Calcloverhk

CalcloverhkHors ligneMembrePoints: 355 Défis: 10 Message

Date d'inscription : 12 novembre 2019
Date de derniere connexion : 18 septembre 2024 21:43
Site Perso : -

Moyenne générale : /10 avec 0 note(s)
Nombre de programmes : 2
Total de téléchargements : 341

Nombre de labels de qualité : 0
Nombre de participations aux concours : 0
Nombre de tests publiés : 5

Groupes :

Cet utilisateur n'appartient à aucun groupe.

Présentation :

Hi! I'm CalcLoverHK, currently a student that loves to program Casio calculators.

You may feel surprised that I came from Hong Kong. In my hometown, fx-3650PII and fx-50FHII are the only approved calculators in HKDSE that are programmable, a rare occurrence compared to other international exams which require calculators with Exam Mode that disables such feature. I chose fx-50FHII because it has larger programming bytes than fx-3650PII, later bought the latter one for a specfic elective subject. I would say this is kinda problematic because students can bring a lot of these calculators to exam place (yes HKDSE allows student to put multiple calculators to put on desk) that are imported with different programs to gain advantages especially in Mathematic papers.

You may probably know that I'm working on C.Basic Wiki. If you want to contribute, create a Fandom account and feel free to click here. I also manage the C.Basic cnCalc help center.

I don't know French, so I use Google Translate to read the French messages.

Signature :

C.Basic Wiki Project progress as of 2024/2/12

Programmes de Calcloverhk :
Nom Catégorie Compatibilité Date
Swan Outil de graphisme Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2020-08-24 12:39
Guess Number Jeu de strategie Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2023-01-23 18:37

Sujets de Calcloverhk :
Sujet Messages Mis à jour
Guide for using Cahute and fxlink on WSL 202024-09-15 20:32
C.Basic Wiki Project92024-09-10 06:47
fx-9750GIII Storage Memory Crash1292024-09-05 07:44
GCC vs Renesas SHC compiler152024-07-05 06:56
A few notes about the storage memory of Casio graphic calculators42024-02-09 11:54
Another way to get into OS Error page102023-04-11 11:12
fx-3650PII review: Undoubtedly a lackluster product42022-01-18 17:03
Overview of fx-9750GIII from a Hong Kong student82020-08-15 02:29
Connection problem of fx-9750GIII42020-07-16 08:52
Something interesting happened while thinking of buying fx-9750GIII122020-06-30 20:22
Using emulators with unlimited time62020-02-22 11:53
Distinguishing the French calculators (Français: Distinction ces calculateur Français)92020-01-12 11:56
Issues with HKEAA-approved calculators (Problèmes avec les calculatrices approuvées par HKEAA)232020-01-12 10:16
Add a topic viewer analysis? (Français: Ajouter une analyse de sujet?)92019-12-23 17:36

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