Posté le 30/04/2017 11:08
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Citer : Posté le 04/10/2018 08:26 | #
It is an error by Serial_ReadOneByte of SysCall.
but its detail is not well known.
It may be a bit error on the cables, but my program may be wrong.
I'm not familiar with the serial communication.
If there is a solution, I want to know it.
Is there any information regarding this?
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Citer : Posté le 04/10/2018 15:53 | #
I don't know of any bug about the serial syscalls, maybe @Dark Storm is more familiar?
Given that his transfer utility can handle files as large as the storage memory, he may have seen this issue.
Also, you may be able to silently resend the message or restart the communication in case of error.
Citer : Posté le 05/10/2018 10:23 | #
I changed serial command routine that cleared a serial buffer by the end of executed command.
As a result, the error seemed to disappear.
new updated version 1.83beta
The CG version supported serial command, too.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 05/10/2018 19:07 | #
Amazing, good job! Did you try this out, @Lightmare?
Citer : Posté le 06/10/2018 12:45 | #
Hi Sentaro21!
I'm really surprised by the efficiency of C.Basic, and I would like to congratulate you very much for the work that you've done!
I regret not knowing enough about it, but I want to support you and encourage you for the next of the project. Really, that's amazing!!
I hope to have the opportunity to use it in my projects, I feel that I will not regret it!
Citer : Posté le 07/10/2018 08:24 | #
Hi Lephenixnoir
The error was not given for the moment,
but I can't feel safe yet.
Hi Redeyes
Thanks very much for your supporting.
Time passes after the beginning of development of C.Basic,
but I'm sorry that the information of how to use C.Basic is insufficient.
I will be glad if you use it.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Ajouté le 10/10/2018 à 10:29 :
Some new bug was found thanks to the triconcours.
Here is new updated version.
-Reduced check of [AC] key in the executing loop.
As a result, Break On and Break Off became the about the same speed.
(SH3 ) about 10% faster than previous version.
(SH4A) about 2~3% faster than previous version.
-Fixed automatic guaranteed of List[].
-Fixed the expression of Y(grapf)/fn with argument.
(false) "X+5"->fn1
return value of fn1(7) is (X+5)*7.
(true) "X+5"->fn1
return value of fn1(7) is (7+5).
for fx-CG10/20/50/Graph90+E.
Ajouté le 11/10/2018 à 08:43 :
for fx-CG10/20/50/Graph90+E.
-Fixed Screen.OT bug that transfer error bottom of 2 line.
Ajouté le 16/10/2018 à 14:22 :
A enbug was found in BmpSave,
I updated 0.58 again.
-Fixed jump bug of editor that might not jump at the bottom end.
-Fixed BmpSave bug that enbug in 0.57.
-Optimized _Hscroll/_Vscroll (50% up)
Ajouté le 21/10/2018 à 12:26 :
Here is newly supported fx-9860G Slim now.
C.Basic was able to support all 9860G series.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 03/11/2018 16:41 | #
Hi Sentaro21 ! i tested some of the bmp functions, and used BmpLoad(). But i got a problem : there is a black column of pixels on the right side of the sprite ( which is not basically in the picture ).
Dijkstra - The Witcher
Citer : Posté le 03/11/2018 16:49 | #
I don't really know how BmpLoad() work, but often when you give some dimensions, that are larger than the sprite dimensions, it fill what is lacking with black
Citer : Posté le 03/11/2018 17:04 | #
it's what i thought too, but the picture has exactly the same size than the sprite
Dijkstra - The Witcher
Citer : Posté le 03/11/2018 20:44 | #
Can you show us the original sprite file?
Citer : Posté le 04/11/2018 08:11 | #
Sorry,it was BmpLoad bug.
So I updated.
Will it work in this?
-Fixed BmpLoad( bug that right-side processing became 8 dots unit in the load to VRAM.
-Fixed name of Vct bug of Mat/List/Vct screen.
-Added support File of List.(use hidden RAM required.)
It becomes the list file by 52.
(example) File 2
to select File 2
List 1 (File 2) use same as List 53(File 1)
the number of File which is necessary for setup required.
(example) File 0
to use the list of consecutive numbers as well as previous version.
-Added inequality & integration graphing.( onry one graph supported now.)
-Fixed enbug of Trn command.
-Fixed StrRotate bug that rotatory direction was reverse.
for Graph+90E/CG10/20/50
Due to this update,
following super basic games became able to work.
Ice slider
(by Ne0tux)
But, still incomplete.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 04/11/2018 10:47 | #
Wow, porting games from @Ne0tux is really impressive! I'll get a moment to try them on fx-CG 50.
Citer : Posté le 04/11/2018 14:04 | #
@Sentaro21 : It works !
But is possible to convert a matrix to a bmp file ?
Dijkstra - The Witcher
Citer : Posté le 04/11/2018 14:18 | # |
Fichier joint
[Fichier joint] is files testing in CG50.
Only IceSlider moves well.
Ajouté le 04/11/2018 à 14:27 :
I'm glad to work well.
But is possible to convert a matrix to a bmp file ?
(example) BmpSave "TEST",Mat A
to save "TEST.bmp" from Mat A.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 04/11/2018 14:33 | #
Wow great !
Dijkstra - The Witcher
Citer : Posté le 12/11/2018 14:24 | #
here is new updated version.
There were some incompatible bugs.
-Fixed ClrVct not worked bug.
-Fixef GraphY(),fn() argument bug
(exapmle) "X+5"->fn1
(false) return value is (1)+5
(ture) return value is (7+5)
-Fixed StrShift bug that not compatible.
-Fixed StrSrc( bug that when a search start position were more than a character string length, return value is not 0.
-Fixed StrMid( bug that when second argument value is 0, return strings is not NULL.
-Fixed StrLen(,StrCmp(,StrSrc(.Exp( that can not omit the multiplication sign.
-Fixed Ans/r/theta of List name bug of Mat/List/Vct screen.
-Fixed omit the List "}" bug.
-Fixed List name strings bug that can not use Str variable.
-Fixed And,Or,Not of complex number bug that not correct.
-Fixed And,Or of real number bug that not compatible.
(false) 0.1 And 0.2 -> 0
(true) 0.1 And 0.2 -> 1
-Fixed BG-Pict bug that when file size is less than 1024,
for Graph+90E/CG10/20/50
Ajouté le 12/11/2018 à 14:44 :
Thanks for waiting.
Because they did not work well only by update of C.Basic,
I added a little program correction.
(I do not completely confirm it)
It became able to play the game in Graph90+E.
Ice slider (@Ne0tux)
Arkenstone (@Ne0tux)
Aventura, le Royaume Poudingue (@Drak)
Thanks very much for having contributed to evolution of C.Basic
Ajouté le 15/11/2018 à 11:52 :
here is updated. (re-uploaded) (re-uploaded)
-Changed specification of Str,GraphY,fn memory allocation method.
and changed default maximam allocation unit number is 20 to 127.
(example) "ABC"->Str 1
Only Str 1 is available.
(example) "CDE"->Str 5
Str 1,Str 2,Str 3,Str 4,Str 5 are available.
-Changed specification of the default Mat of the substance of fn.
Str :<r>
fn :z
-Fixed ClrVct with variable name not worked bug.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 21/11/2018 17:42 | #
Hello ! it's me again !
Dijkstra - The Witcher
Citer : Posté le 24/11/2018 09:58 | #
Thanks for try new version.
I'm sorry that an error occurs.
In such cases,
Please delete the <@CBASIC> folder of the main memory.
So C.Basic is initialized.
Ajouté le 25/11/2018 à 14:09 :
here is new updated version.
There are new feature & bug fix.
-Added supported Str,GraphY,fnc string more than 255 characters.
(example)'#Str <r>,30,1000
Str 1-30 of maximam 999 characters. <r>:[ALPHA]+[X^2]
-Fiexd MAT/LIST re-allocate initialization bug that same Mat/List was not cleared.
-Added <.bin> to the extension of the file to display in the root folder.
and display all files in the subfolder.
-Enabled all file type of Rename/Copy.
-Fixed name of List ans/<r>/theta bug of Mat/List/Vct screen when ListFile No is more than 2.
-Fixed Str,GraphY,fn memory allocation bug that number of elements decreased.
(example) "CDE"->Str 5
Str 1,Str 2,Str 3,Str 4,Str 5 are available.
(example) "ABC"->Str 1
Only Str 1 is available.(false)
Str 1,Str 2,Str 3,Str 4,Str 5 are available.(true)
-Fixed stack error bug that was hard to return to the editor.
for Graph+90E/CG10/20/50
The following is the games that optimized in C.Basic added new feature of Save/Load game data.
(a few modification.)
Ice slider (@Ne0tux)
Clonelab (@Ne0tux)
Arkenstone (@Ne0tux)
TokiTori (@Riptor)
Aventura, le Royaume Poudingue (@Drak)
Thanks very much for having contributed to evolution of C.Basic again.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 25/11/2018 22:09 | #
Hey, I can't help but notice you used my own game in your project ! That's cool, I should try it !
Citer : Posté le 26/11/2018 06:35 | #
Thanks Drak
Your super program helped the debugging of the string function very much.
Because I do not play completion to the last, bug may be still left.
Merit of C.Basic version,
-Faster speed.
-Larger program area.
-More convenient command function.
-Consumption electricity reduction of the key waiting.
And this is the biggest merit.
-g1m program work equally in 90+E.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 26/11/2018 08:47 | #
hi sentaro ! i did what you said, but the problem persists...
Also, the command "DispVram" sometimes needs a -Disp- command to be executed.
Don't be sorry ! i'm glad to help your project
Dijkstra - The Witcher