Posté le 30/04/2017 11:08
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Citer : Posté le 05/02/2019 07:45 | #
From here to the end of the section is very unclear:
Other than this, I just suspect there may be a mistake here:
If you want to convert to word format, I think the correct equivalent is:
Citer : Posté le 05/02/2019 08:17 | #
From here to the end of the section is very unclear:
I'm sorry for unclear.
The number of usable extended variables is 26, but it is 32 in the current version.
The CG version has been expanded to 99.
Because real(complex) and integer variables can hold different values, even the same variable names are independent of each other.
123->_ABC // double variable
456->_ABC% // integer variable
_ABC+_ABC%->B // result of B(double) is 579
'#CBINT // integer mode
123->_ABC# // double variable
456->_ABC // integer variable
_ABC#+_ABC->B // result of B(integer) is 579
Other than this, I just suspect there may be a mistake here:
If you want to convert to word format, I think the correct equivalent is:
Oh, that is correct you.
I'm sorry, I made a mistake.
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Citer : Posté le 05/02/2019 15:42 | #
I use your program since a moment and it is really cool.
I would like to ask you how to use the RGB() command ? And if it's possible, to give us a little description of the commands that you have added to your programm and which are not in the Casio PRGM program like PutDispDD or _Contrast ?
Tanks to you
-Planétarium 2
Citer : Posté le 06/02/2019 04:59 | # |
Fichier joint
Thanks for using C.Basic
RGB() command can directly set 16 bit color instead of color command of Basic Casio (Blue/Red/Green etc).
The following three samples are drawn in the same color.
The color selection dialog opens with [SHIFT]+[6]
C.Basic's drawing method is basically the same specification as Basic Casio.
Even more, you can use the same method as when programming with C using SDK library or MonochromeLib.
C.Basic supports MonochromeLib or more.
blibiothèque de fonctions en C.Basic(@Manolo)
C.Basic library(@Manolo)
will be helpful for RGB () and PutDispDD.
The basic usage of extended graphics commands looks like this.
_ClrVram // instead of Cls
For 1-A To 1000
_FillCircle X,Y,R
_DispVram // This is required for extended commands.
[Fichier joint] ML_CIRCL.g3m
If "_DispVram" is omitted, it will not be displayed until the program is terminated.
"_Contrast" command is available for monochrome only.
In 90+E you can change the brightness of the backlight with "BackLight" command.
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Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 06/02/2019 07:35 | #
Tank for your answer. I'll try those exemples later. It's really amazing To do that !
Ajouté le 06/02/2019 à 08:28 :
@Lephenixnoir : Je crois qu'il serait bien de mettre en avant l'add-in de sentaro21 de cette page (C basic). Il est incontournable sur Graph 90 !
-Planétarium 2
Citer : Posté le 06/02/2019 15:14 | #
@Disperseur : parfaitement d'accord !
Dijkstra - The Witcher
Citer : Posté le 06/02/2019 15:28 | #
Et deux voix déjà, qui veut signer la pétition ?
-Planétarium 2
Citer : Posté le 09/02/2019 13:20 | #
Merci à tous!
This is an update that Pict will not disappear after execution.
for CG10/20/50/Graph90+E version.
-Changed specification that the Pict file is not initialized after program execution is completed.
-When using hidden RAM, the Pict function also supports full color even in g1m mode.
(In this case, the Pict file of g1m program (now only heap mode) will be full color.)
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
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Citer : Posté le 09/02/2019 17:41 | #
@Sentaro21 : I've made progress in the translation. I have currently translated more than half of FX/Manual_EN.txt and I think it won't be long before I reach the end. Can you help me on these few unclear sections?
Pause until 128 Ticks count of current timer with initial timer as set by A (in Ticks count).
Here it is not clear which timers are running and how many of them. I also didn't understand the stopping condition.
The time measurement stops during GetKey1/2, but can make reset & restart by setting.
I can set it by setup or the following control commands.
(format) '#GetKeyC
It is the stop of the timer of the default, a continuation mode.
(format) '#GetKeyR
Timer restarts reset & after GetKey1/2.
What is Exec TimeDsp here? I think the two modes are about whether you restart the timer at very call to Getkey, it this correct?
push screen.
(example) PopUpWin(9)
return screen.
What is this function exactly? How does it related to the SDK's PopUpWin() function?
if "/ABC/TEST.bin" exists, it becomes 0.
Are you sure this is not 1 instead of 0 when the file exists?
Citer : Posté le 10/02/2019 06:28 | # |
Fichier joint
I greatly appreciate your translation work.
Here it is not clear which timers are running and how many of them. I also didn't understand the stopping condition.
While waiting 128 ticks(=1 second),
If there is a key input, it returns the key code.
Always wait one second even if there is a key input.
The key code entered last is valid.
If there is no key input for one second, 0 is returned.
The second parameter may not make much sense.
What is Exec TimeDsp here? I think the two modes are about whether you restart the timer at very call to Getkey, it this correct?
You are right about '#GetKeyC and '#GetKeyR.
What is this function exactly? How does it related to the SDK's PopUpWin() function?
It is only to save and restore the screen.
It is the same as SaveDisp and RestoreDisp of SDK.
Are you sure this is not 1 instead of 0 when the file exists?
If there is the file, the file size is returned,
If there is none, 0 is returned.
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Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 10/02/2019 08:42 | #
Hi Sentaro21
When a program ask the user to enter a Str ( for a pseudo for example ), the user must do [ALPHA LOCK] two times to really lock letters on the keyboard...
Dijkstra - The Witcher
Citer : Posté le 10/02/2019 09:05 | #
Hi Sentaro21
When a program ask the user to enter a Str ( for a pseudo for example ), the user must do [ALPHA LOCK] two times to really lock letters on the keyboard...
Thanks for download new version.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 14/02/2019 20:18 | #
I've finished translating FX/Manual_EN.txt !
I've only got a few things to mention. First a typo I found in StrSplit() :
$Mat Ans[1]="123"
$Mat Ans[1]="4567"
$Mat Ans[1]="89"
This should be $Mat Ans[1], $Mat Ans[2] and $Mat Ans[3].
Also, I think there is a gap between StrAsc() and what follows, which is about Ticks. It feels like a section of the document is missing.
I did not understand how the new 2x2-dot colors for MonochromeLib worked:
color value: 10 11 12 13 14 (2x2 dot matrix by 1dot width)
color value: 20 21 22 23 24 (2x2 dot matrix)
oo *o *o ** **
oo oo o* *o **
(example) _FillCircle 64,32,30,21
Could you detail please? Especially "2x2 dot matrix by 1dot width". This doesn't make much sense because if the dot has size 2x2 then the width is 2... not 1. I'm confused.
After the description of the # options to use ViewWindow coordinates, I think there is a typo in the example:
_Circle #0.5,1.2,1.2.1
The last command would be _Circle #0.5,1.2,1.2,1. Note the comma before the last argument, not a dot.
Another typo here:
Similar to _FElipsInRct, but draws a filled ellipse.
Maybe you mean "similar to _ElipsInRct", otherwise this is a circular reference!
Lastly, in RefrshCtl:
Set how to refresh screen at running of display and draw command.
Off: No extra refresh control is carried out, which is compatible with genuine Casio Basic.
Grp: Only graphics draw commands make screen refreshed, excepting ClrText, Locate, Text, LocateYX, " " (this exception is compatible with former version of C.basic).
All: All the display and draw commands male screen refreshed. PutDispDD should be used as may be necessary.
Time: Set refresh control tme in interval of 1/128 sec. Defalt value is 3 then refresh control is every 1/42 sec.
It is not refreshed when 0 is set.
- Related command: RefrshCtrl, RefrshTime
I'm not sure, but I think there is a confusion. Some things seem contradictory:
As you know in Casio Basic the screen is refreshed after every drawing function, this feels off.
If all display commands produce a refresh, why would there be a need to use PutDispDD?
Anyway, this has taken a long time (and 2300 lines!) but it should be alright now.
Citer : Posté le 15/02/2019 09:19 | #
Here the [ALPHA LOCK] problem of Str's input is not reproduced.
Could you please show me the program where the problem occurred?
I've finished translating FX/Manual_EN.txt !
Thanks very much for a lot of translation.
and I'm sorry for the inconvenience at typo.
I've only got a few things to mention. First a typo I found in StrSplit() :
There was a part which existed in the Japanese manual is not in the English manual.
I translated it for additional.
StrAsc( [Shift]+[VARS](PRGM)-[F6]-[F6]-[F3](ExStr)-[F6]-[F6]-[F2](StrAsc)
Converts a character (in a string) into the corresponding ASCII code number.
(example) StrAsc("Ascii")
return value is 65(0x41).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
StoCapt [OPTN] - [F6] - [F6] - [F5] (CAPTURE) - [F1] (Store)
RclCapt [OPTN] - [F6] - [F6] - [F5] (CAPTURE) - [F2] (Recall)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Read/write the Capt file on the storage memory. Up to 99 files can be used.
(Example) StoCapt 20
(Example) RclCapt 20
In relation to this, the file size of Pict file has been reduced by 1KB from 2KB.
Other Extended Command Reference
Carry it out as the command not comment after "'/".
Can describe the command to execute only C.Basic running.
(example) '/Ticks->S
(example) '/Ticks-S->T
Measure time.
This should be $Mat Ans[1], $Mat Ans[2] and $Mat Ans[3].
You are right.
I did not understand how the new 2x2-dot colors for MonochromeLib worked:
color value: 10 11 12 13 14 (2x2 dot matrix by 1dot width)
color value: 20 21 22 23 24 (2x2 dot matrix)
oo *o *o ** **
oo oo o* *o **
(example) _FillCircle 64,32,30,21
Could you detail please? Especially "2x2 dot matrix by 1dot width". This doesn't make much sense because if the dot has size 2x2 then the width is 2... not 1. I'm confused.
The difference between (2x2 dot matrix by 1dot width) and (2x2 dot matrix) is as follows.
(2x2 dot matrix) always draws 2dot width.
(2x2 dot matrix by 1dot width) draws only 1dot width out of them.
The last command would be _Circle #0.5,1.2,1.2,1. Note the comma before the last argument, not a dot.
Maybe you mean "similar to _ElipsInRct", otherwise this is a circular reference!
It looped infinitely in the manual.
As you know in Casio Basic the screen is refreshed after every drawing function, this feels off.
Locate 1,2,"Sample3"
Locate 1,3,"Sample4"
Lbl 0
Goto 0
In the case of [Off]/[Grph] setting, this program will be displayed in the same way as Casio Basic.
In the case of [All] setting, this program will not display anything.
For A->1 To 63
For B->1 To 127
PxlOn A,B
Lbl 0
Goto 0
In the case of [Off] setting, this program will be displayed in the same way as Casio Basic.
In the case of [Grph]/[All] setting, the dot at the last part is not displayed.
If all display commands produce a refresh, why would there be a need to use PutDispDD?
By default, PutDispDD is executed if it is 3/128 ticks or more from the execution of the previous PutDispDD.
In the case of [All] setting,
all drawing commands (including Casio Basic commands) are under this refresh control.
Since it does not work reliably with a timer interrupt,
Therefore, PutDispDD is necessary to prevent it from not displaying like the example1/2.
This is similar to programming in C of SDK.
Anyway, this has taken a long time (and 2300 lines!) but it should be alright now.
Thanks very much again for many many translation work.
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Citer : Posté le 15/02/2019 13:25 | # |
Fichier joint
Ooh, I understand. "Control" in "Refresh control" means "restriction" or "limit"!
So here it is, I've finished. I don't have an account on Gitlab, however, so the documentation is attached to this post.
Hope it helps!
Citer : Posté le 15/02/2019 14:02 | #
I'm convinced that the French version manual is very useful.
I think that the French version manual is easier to understand than my English manual.
Thanks so much !!
Ajouté le 17/02/2019 à 09:47 :
Here is new updated version.
It included French manual translated by @Lephenixnoir.
-Added French manual.(Thanks so much Planet-Casio@Lephenixnoir for translation to French.)
-Fixed the "Fill" command bug that did not work properly when the second argument of the Fill command was only numbers.
(Example) Fill(123,1)
It was not to be the same result as Fill(123, List 1).
for CG10/20/50/Graph90+E version.
-Added French manual.(Thanks so much Planet-Casio@Lephenixnoir for translation to French.)
-Fixed the bug that garbage appears in the upper left of the screen when using hidden RAM.
-Changed specification that to be able to select intialize mode of the Pict file using heep by setup.
-The Pict file using heap is initialized with ClrMat command.
(format) ClrMat
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 07/03/2019 16:31 | #
@Sentaro21 : I'd like to know if it's possible to create and modify files using the Cbasic commands?
-Planétarium 2
Citer : Posté le 07/03/2019 16:38 | #
C'est possible ! Il y a tout dans le manuel.
Citer : Posté le 07/03/2019 20:12 | #
Ok je regarde.. c'est vraiment une pépite cet add-in
Ajouté le 07/03/2019 à 20:25 :
Est-ce qu'il s'agit des commandes Peek() et Poke () ?
-Planétarium 2
Citer : Posté le 08/03/2019 02:35 | #
@Sentaro21 : I'd like to know if it's possible to create and modify files using the Cbasic commands?
The entity of the data is the matrix.
Correspond by modifying and saving the matrix.
Est-ce qu'il s'agit des commandes Peek() et Poke () ?
It is possible to select the data type.(byte,word,long,double)
If nothing is selected, it becomes byte.
Thanks for your quick support.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 08/03/2019 06:58 | #
@Sentaro21 : Sorry but I dont understand how to select the data type. Using witch function ?
-Planétarium 2