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Index du Forum » Vos tutoriels et astuces » Transformer Graph35+USB en Graph75
Critor Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 2728 Défis: 18 Message

Transformer Graph35+USB en Graph75

Posté le 25/12/2010 01:10

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tutoriel par Dark Storm



J'ai réalisé un petit tutoriel afin de transformer gratuitement et sans danger votre Graph 35+USB en une Graph 85 ou même Graph 75.

Vous disposerez alors de toutes les fonctionnalités logicielles des Graph 85/75:
* le tableur intégré
* 1,5Mo de mémoire de stockage
* le support des add-in pour Graph 85/75/85SD/95

J'ai fait le maximum pour que le tutoriel soit détaillé, clair et accessible à un publique scolaire.

Merci de me faire part de vos suggestions afin de l'améliorer.

Joyeux Noël à tous, avec vos nouvelles Graph 75!

Tutoriel format PDF


Télécharger un OS déjà modifié : Graph 85, Graph 95 lien.

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, lire ce post sur UCF, Casio a depuis mis à jour l'OS.

Edit de Critor: Tutoriel mis à jour avec les nouvelles versions de l'OS.

Des problèmes? Suis ces étapes!
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Quelques questions pour guider tes recherches (suit les numéros) :

1) Quelle version des logiciels utilises-tu ? fxRemote ou pfxRecover ?
- pfxRecover 5
- fxRemote 2

2) Quelle étape ne fonctionne pas ?
- Backup Flash 3
- Recover Flash 4

3) Théoriquement, tu n'as pas besoin de faire de backup. Il y en a de partout sur le site.

4) As-tu fait la manip' pour la mettre en mode "OS Error" (pour le mode "Recover Flash") ?
- Oui 6
- Non 7

5) Commence par installer fxRemote disponible ici puis réessaye. Si ça ne marche toujours pas, 2

6) As-tu vérifié à bien prendre un OS de même version que celui de ta G35+USB ? La version de l'OS se trouve dans le menu "Système" -> [F4]. Si votre OS est du type 02.00.**** ou 02.01.****, prenez une version 02.01.****. Si c'est un 02.02.****, prenez un 02.02.****. Attention, un OS contenant le mot "slim" n'est pas pour vous, il s'adresse aux anglophones possédant ce modèle. Si vous l'installez, vous aurez surement tout un tas de bugs !
- Oui 8
- Non 9

7) Met la calto en mode "OS Error". Pour cela, suis les étapes suivantes :
- Appuie sur "Restart" (avec un stylo par exemple) au dos de ta calto (NB: ça n'efface rien du tout dans la mémoire)
- Tout en appuyant sur "Restart", appuie en même temps sur "F2" - "4" - "Ac/ON"
- Relâche le bouton "Restart", mais garde pressés les autres.
- Relâche tout, et successivement, appuie sur "9" puis "X" (au dessus du "+").
Puis 10

8) Je t'invite à laisser un message sur le forum, ton cas me parait désespéré. Fais attention à bien décrire ton problème (erreur, etc.)

9) Prend le bon OS. Si tu ne sais pas comment ça marche, un OS 02.01.2020 correspond à un fichier OS_02_01_2020_SH3.fls.
Puis recommence la manipulation (à partir de Recover Flash)

10) Le message "OS Error, please update OS" s'affiche-t-il à l'écran de ta Casio ?
- Oui : branche ta casio à l'ordinateur, lance fxRemote, puis fait "Recover". Si tu as toujours un problème, 6
- Non : Recommence la manipulation du 7.
- Cela fait 3-4 fois que je refais la manip', mais je n'obtient toujours rien : courage, tu va y arriver. Essaye d'allonger un peu les temps entre l'appui sur les touches. Inutile de se presser

Dernière modification le 29/01/2014 par Dark Storm : ajout d'une note quand aux OS de Fx-9860g Slim.

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-florian66- Hors ligne Ancien rédacteur Points: 2384 Défis: 20 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 15:28 | #

I think it's not a good idea to put this crack online but someone can do it for himself
(sorry if my english isn't very good )

In Arch, I trust ! And you ?
Dark storm Hors ligne Labélisateur Points: 11642 Défis: 179 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 15:29 | #

I tought that rewrite above the OS with an addin was protected ? Is that false ?

Thanks for the explanation about the OS-update mode. By the way, if we overwrite an OS (FiXos ?) over the original (and only that), this "mini-OS" will be erased ? Or it is located in a specific area on the ROM ?

Ajouté le 23/08/2015 à 15:31 :
Teamfx a écrit :
I guess you can disable it by changing some bytes in the RAM (non-permanent) or by rewriting one flash sector with some bytes changed (permanent).

The problem is not to disable exam mode, but to do "like the exam mode" : the LED has to blink even if the calc is shutdown.
Finir est souvent bien plus difficile que commencer. — Jack Beauregard
Teamfx Hors ligne Membre Points: 109 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 15:46 | #

I tought that rewrite above the OS with an addin was protected? Is that false?

As far as we know, the NOR flash chip is not protected at all!
You can erase the boot code sector and then your calculator is dead!

By the way, if we overwrite an OS (FiXos ?) over the original (and only that), this "mini-OS" will be erased? Or it is located in a specific area on the ROM?

The PC Casio setup sends the mini-OS (UpdateEXE.bin) to the calculator, the calculator OS copies this data to some RAM area and executes it. The mini-OS now receives the new ROM data (UpdateCode.bin) from the PC program and writes this data to the flash chip. When it is done, it reboots the calculator. The updated calculator OS then initializes the RAM area which deletes the previous mini-OS.

The problem is not to disable exam mode, but to do "like the exam mode" : the LED has to blink even if the calc is shutdown.

I know, there is one routine that checks if the exam mode is active and if it is, it refuses to execute some other routines (like starting add-ins or the ECON2 module). Just change one or two bytes here and the LED will keep blinking while you have full access to everything.

Andorria Invité

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 15:54 | #

Teamfx, are you sure you don't want to release fxRemote for OS 2.05 ? Since it only add the way to support add-ins, which is provided by default on the graph 75+E...
Dark storm Hors ligne Labélisateur Points: 11642 Défis: 179 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 16:01 | #

The PC Casio setup sends the mini-OS (UpdateEXE.bin) to the calculator, the calculator OS copies this data to some RAM area and executes it. The mini-OS now receives the new ROM data (UpdateCode.bin) from the PC program and writes this data to the flash chip. When it is done, it reboots the calculator. The updated calculator OS then initializes the RAM area which deletes the previous mini-OS.

Ok, so the key code (F2 - 4 - Ac/On, …) is written on the OS. I understood that is was a part of original OS.
Finir est souvent bien plus difficile que commencer. — Jack Beauregard
Teamfx Hors ligne Membre Points: 109 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 16:11 | #


No, we don't want to do that because...

1) The Graph 35+ E is sold at a lower price than the Graph 75+ E. Casio may not like when we continue upgrading our Graph 35+ E calculators.

2) Teachers don't know the difference between the Graph 35+ E OS and the Graph 75+ E OS.
They think you are cheating when you run a different OS on the Graph 35+ E. Maybe this OS provides more mathematical features? Maybe you have modified the exam mode? They simply don't know.

3) These ROM flashing tools have always been meant for hackers and enthusiasts - not for "normal" people.
Yet, the past has shown that fxRemote has leaked to a lot of websites on the Internet and most people don't even understand what they are doing and there are a lot of people who have (or think they have) broken their calculators. And these people may call Casio support ("My calculator is no longer working...") and then Casio will analyze those calculators and then Casio will see that you have installed a different OS... and then??? Casio may think: "We have to do something here, let's enable ROM write-protection on new Graph 25+/35+ E models". The result: No more OS hacking possible!

Ajouté le 23/08/2015 à 16:14 :
@Dark storm

F2 - 4 - Ac/On is located in the boot code area. The boot code also contains an emergency OS update mode.
More precisely: The boot code can receive a mini-OS for updating the calculator OS.
And of course, the calculator OS also has an OS update mode and can receive a mini-OS for updating the calculator OS. Is this confusing?
Dark storm Hors ligne Labélisateur Points: 11642 Défis: 179 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 16:19 | #

Ok, thanks for the precision.
Finir est souvent bien plus difficile que commencer. — Jack Beauregard

Andorria Invité

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 16:28 | #

@Teamfx So there will be no updates for fxremote anymore ?
And are you going to publish the sources of fxremote? It can be useful : because "normal people" don't know how to compile sources of fxremote.
Dark storm Hors ligne Labélisateur Points: 11642 Défis: 179 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 16:31 | #

I don't think so, because someone can compile sources and share the executable. Although I find it a pity, I understand their reasons.
Finir est souvent bien plus difficile que commencer. — Jack Beauregard

Andorria Invité

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 16:34 | #

Or maybe he can share a part of the sources and we have to write the rest ? It can be a good solution..
Teamfx Hors ligne Membre Points: 109 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 16:36 | #


I don't have the sources! I have manually hacked a few fxRemote versions. LOL
And I have a few newer versions with fx-CP400 support, but we don't want to share these.

Anyway, a new communication program is on my to-do list (I need it for PV-S1600 and ClassPad 300). But I will probably only share this with Simon and Critor. Sorry, I'm a hacker and I don't want to piss off Casio. I love Casio.
Lephenixnoir Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 24855 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 19:24 | #

Well, I've just read those new messages on this topic and I agree with TeamFX.

The problem is, hacking Casio's exam mode would make them strengthen their security, and this is not desirable.
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Critor Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 2728 Défis: 18 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 19:27 | #

Teamfx a écrit :
2) Teachers don't know the difference between the Graph 35+ E OS and the Graph 75+ E OS.
They think you are cheating when you run a different OS on the Graph 35+ E. Maybe this OS provides more mathematical features?

This probably won't change your advice and I'm not trying to.

But although it's true that many teachers don't have a great knowledge in calculators, in France students are free to buy whichever calculator they want.

So you just can't blame a Graph 35+E user for cheating because he's used Graph 75+E features, when other students in the same classroom have the right to use, or even are using, Graph 75+E calculators.

I think the only thing a teacher would really be surprised to see on the calculator screen when the exam mode is enabled, is a text/document/image reader.
Dark storm Hors ligne Labélisateur Points: 11642 Défis: 179 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 19:33 | #

I think the only thing a teacher would really be surprised to see on the calculator screen when the exam mode is enabled, is a text/document/image reader.

I agree Critor : mathematical and physical functions are very different between two calcs, specificly if we see the Nspire or Prime (QCC's Critor posts denounces that)
Finir est souvent bien plus difficile que commencer. — Jack Beauregard
Critor Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 2728 Défis: 18 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 21:20 | #

Gentlemen, here's a little picture for your edification :

Teamfx Hors ligne Membre Points: 109 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 21:31 | #

Uh-oh, you did it... I will put you on my ignore list.
Just kidding, I know that it is not very hard to manipulate fxRemote so that it will work with the new exam mode models. But I hope you don't share this discovery...
Critor Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 2728 Défis: 18 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 21:35 | #

Indeed, I've just patched fxRemote.exe.
Yes, it's not very hard - we can even say it's very easy.
Teamfx Hors ligne Membre Points: 109 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 21:38 | #

It's way too easy. Chinese hackers anywhere?
Lephenixnoir Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 24855 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 22:04 | #

Honestly, I agree with saying that sharing the new version of fxRemote isn't a good idea... because once released, there is no possible control of how people would use this tool, and I'm afraid that it would have consequences when working with exam models, although there were none with old calculators.
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Critor Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 2728 Défis: 18 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 22:12 | #

Je n'ai pas mis les utilitaires en téléchargement - mais j'ai raconté un petit peu cette aventure ici :
Dark storm Hors ligne Labélisateur Points: 11642 Défis: 179 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/08/2015 22:14 | #

D'un coté, tu indiques suffisamment comment faire pour patcher son propre fxRemote
M'enfin, c'est bon à savoir, pour ceux qui ont les connaissances nécessaires.
Finir est souvent bien plus difficile que commencer. — Jack Beauregard
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